P2i protects products from liquid damage sustainably and with the lowest TCO. We achieve this by delivering ultra-thin plasma conformal coatings to the market. This preserves their value, enhancing their lifetime and reusability to reduce waste.
Appointed Executive Chairman of P2i in July 2021, Chris brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the group; having founded start up enterprises, managed corporate businesses, private equity ventures and served as President of a European Trade Association. Chris worked for Schlumberger from 1995 to 2001. Following a PE buy out of the Schlumberger Resource Management Services division, Chris went on to transform the newly formed Actaris Gas and Electricity Metering Global Divisions (€750M T/O) as Divisional MD, contributing to a €1.8B trade sale to Itron in 2007. From 2005-2009, Chris served as Vice President & President of BEAMA, a trade association representing electrical infrastructure products and systems providers in a sector worth over £13B. In 2008 Chris co-founded Navetas Energy Management Ltd, partnering with the University of Oxford to develop and commercialise artificial intelligence algorithms disaggregating domestic energy consumption, securing US investment in 2012 at an equity valuation of £33M. Navetas was re-orientated in 2015 towards renewable energy and achieved a successful exit to Low Carbon Ltd in 2017. In 2019 Chris was appointed Executive Chairman of i2O Ltd, providing intelligent water network and pressure management solutions to utility clients, achieving a successful exit to Mueller Water Products Inc in 2021.
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