
PFOA-free coatings for military textiles are still required to provide the highest levels of liquid repellency to maximise protection and provide liquid-proof properties.

Current Issues

Clothing needs to have maximum available liquid repellency against oils and alcohols to reflect chemical nasties.

Needs to be applied to the full clothing ensemble to ensure maximum protection to the wearer by applying the treatment to the fabric, seams and fasteners.

Differentiation to incumbent solutions

Liquid-based coatings are too thick, affecting the hand, cosmetic look and IR signature. In addition, the non-uniform attachment can lead to inconsistency of liquid protection.

P2i's solution

Increased repellency to aqueous liquids – AATCC193.

Increased repellency to oils – AATCC118.

No impact on the cosmetic features of the product (no color transfer – crocking) – AATCC8.

Coating Approved for Subject Human Contact Use (HRIPT – Human Repeat Insult Patch Test).

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