
Costly field failure returns due to corrosion damage and the associated brand impact can be successfully averted by sustainably increasing the product life-cycle. This is achieved by using ultra-thin plasma coatings to protect the PCBA prior to device assembly and maximising the reliability.

Current Issues

Reduction in field failure return rates by increasing the reliability and repeatability of protection technology deployed to prevent corrosion damage through-out product life-time.

Solution for both reducing liquid ingress (water resistant phones) into the device and protecting the devicesā€™ electronics should liquids get forced inside.

Plug-and-play-technology that fits easily into the assembly line.

Differentiation from Incumbent Solutions

Liquid based applications of dip, spray and brush do not create sufficient water resistant reliability, leading to field failure return rates.

Parylene requires extensive masking and excessive glues that are neither cost effective in production nor sustainable from a re-work / repair perspective.

Mechanical seals may allow a negative pressure test at the assembly line to be passed, however shipment and consumer use leading to devices being dropped and flexing leads to loss of water resistance and catastrophic corrosion as the damaged or displaced physical seals allow liquids to penetrate.

P2i's Solution

Splash-proof provides water resistant protection up to IPx2 liquid challenges from splashes and spills, delivering 40-60%* reduction in field failure return rates.

Barrier Coating will protect from IPx3-8+ using our patent protected toolbox of capabilities. This can be delivered as the OEM requests, either as a vendor solution or as a black-box solution requiring no CM labour or materials.

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