Company Overview

P2i is a technology solutions provider with over ten years of experience developing liquid repellent nanocoatings in the electronics industry.

Who we are

P2i is a global leader in liquid repellent nanotechnology. Founded in 2004, P2i works with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to enhance devices by enabling them to survive liquid exposure from everyday accidents and environmental conditions.

P2i brings reliability to the market, by pushing the boundaries of science and engineering to deliver world leading protective nano-coating technologies. P2i’s technologies are trusted to protect a wide range of products from smartphones to filtration systems. We have over 90 granted or pending patents and have protected over 500 million devices.

A truly global company with headquarters in the UK and China, P2i’s technology is implemented in factories around the world with customers across five continents and eighteen countries.


Manufacturing Expertise

P2i has a global network of support for our customers’ manufacturing sites across eighteen countries and five continents. We have been supporting our customers for more than fifteen years across a wide range of industries. From medical equipment to smart electronics, P2i has mass-manufacture experience like no other nano-coating company and provides assistance to customers from concept stage through to NPI and mass production.

We work alongside our customers to better understand their changing needs and integrate our technology into their manufacturing process, providing the best service in the industry, every step of the way. As a solution provider, our technical experts work directly with customers to fully understand their performance goals and tailor a solution to meet their needs.

P2i’s professional and efficient sampling process allows us to quickly demonstrate the benefits the nano-coatings provide. With a wealth of manufacturing experience, P2i is on-hand throughout the deployment of its solutions and provides continuous onsite support for the full product lifecycle.

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