Charitable Trust

The P2i Charitable Trust was established in 2010. It improves the lives of people living in the areas in which we operate.

The P2i Charitable Trust

It is through the P2i Charitable Trust that we demonstrate our commitment to local communities. Our funds are raised by P2i’s employees and donated directly to specific individuals and organisations falling within the scope of the trust’s goals. We also award funds to charities that support the same objectives.

  • Improving and supporting scientific education in our employment catchment areas.
  • Improving the lives of underprivileged children in and around geographical regions where P2i has operations.

Over the years, P2i has raised a significant amount of money for our chosen charities through a variety of activities which are organised and supported by our staff. Fancy dress competitions, raffles, cake sales and an office snack box have all been part of our mission to raise as much money as we can.

To get in touch with the P2i Charitable Trust contact us at

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