• Welcome to P2i

    Delivering Ultra-Thin Barrier
    Conformal Coatings to Sustainably
    Protect Electronic Devices.

Sustainable Conformal Coating Protection

Global regulations are driving industries to minimise the use of chemicals. Increasing environmental responsibility demands we use our products for longer. P2i’s clients use plasma conformal coatings to increase product life-cyles and reduce costs. In addtion, manufacturing yields increase and costs reduce. These ultra-thin coatings deliver many competitive advantages for our customers.

Scale of the Problem Today

  • As the human race, we scrap 1 in 5 electronic devices every year.
  • We generated 58M tonnes of e-waste in 2021. This outweighs the Great Wall of China, and is is projected to grow to 75M tonnes by 2030 – equal to 8.8 kg per capita.
  • We only recycle 17% of e-waste each year.
  • Over 900,000 smartphones suffer preventable liquid damage per annum.
  • E-waste contains several toxic additives, posing risks to our environment and human health.

About P2i Contact P2i

Conformal Coating Solutions

P2i’s unique technology offering works at the molecular level. This delivers the thinnest, most robust liquid protection on the market. This approach allows us to enhance any solid surface and maximise protection.

Our ultra-thin barrier coatings offer the full range of liquid and environmental protection. This includes achieving IPx1-IPx8+ for electronic devices.

We achieve this full range by delivering both liquid repellency and barrier properties.

Splash-proof is a complete device-level repellent coating. Applied to the finished product at the end of the assembly line, before package and ship. This protects the device from liquid ingress from splashes and spills.

Barrier is a PCBA level electrical insulating layer. Applied post Surface Mount Technology (SMT) line, before final assembly. This protects treated PCBAs from corroding following exposure to harsh environments and immersion.

P2i Solutions

Conformally Coated Products

P2i specialises in protecting electronics at a lower total cost to current methods. This increases product life cycles, decreases waste and enables the circular economy. Our customers use ultra-thin barrier conformal coatings to adopt reduce, reuse, recycle strategies.


P2i Markets


In today’s fast-paced tech landscape, the miniaturization of electronic devices has become a defining trend. From smartphones to medical wearables,...

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In the fast-evolving world of medical devices, particularly hearing aids, manufacturers face a growing challenge: ensuring devices can withstand elements...

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In the demanding world of automotive manufacturing, where precision and reliability are paramount, the electronics that power our vehicles are...

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Get in Touch

Do you have any queries or comments about any of our products or services? Feel free to drop us a message, we would love to hear from you.

Once we've received your inquiry, one of our team will contact you to understand your needs, target performance criteria and timelines for implementation. We can then discuss sampling so you can evaluate our technology and claims for yourself.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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