Water-proof Electronics

Today 1 in 5 electronic devices are disposed of, contributing over 54 million tonnes of e-waste every year.

The annual growth rate of e-waste is 3x that of the human population. 71% of the total carbon emission of a smartphone is incurred during manufacture. There is an urgent need for our planet to further increase product life cycles.


The reasons our customers have adopted P2i onto their electronic products are:
• Lower total cost of ownership (TCO) for electronics coating.
• Lower environmental impact due to higher yields in production. This increases product life cycles and the ability to reuse and / or recycle the P2i coated parts.
• Prevent electronic damage by water-proofing electronics.

Why P2i? Contact Us

Future-proof with Water-proof properties

  • Offers unrivalled quality and protection to electronic PCBAs, devices and materials in any environment, delivering water-proof electronics.
  • Delivers protection from IPX1 to IPX8 with an ultra-thin coating.
  • Proven track record in mass production, having protected over 500 million electronic devices and over 20 billion products against liquid damage.
  • Future-proof solution for preventing electronic damage by sustainably protecting electronics with PFAS-free materials.
  • Less material required compared to incumbent conformal coatings, with no keep-out-zones.
  • Reliably, reworkable with reduced scrap, recyclable.
  • Permits product design for sustainability and novel material use to fully differentiate.

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